False Flagger: Al-Nusra Front Terrorist ‘Reporter’ Hadi Abdallah First Responder to Chemical Massacre in Idlib, Syria on April 4th, 2017

The following videos highlight the actions of Hadi Abdallah who is a well known propaganda disseminator for the FSA which is comprised of numerous terrorist groups operating in Syria, including al-Nusra Front,  Jabrat al-Nusra and Nour al-Zinki. All of these groups are well known for conducting horrific war crimes and atrocities, including beheadings. Hadi Abdallah has been filmed on multiple occasions congratulating, hugging and working alongside these murderous terrorist groups.

It is notable that he was also one of the first responding ‘reporters’ to the chemical weapons massacre in Idlib, Syria on April 4, 2017 which is under scrutiny for being a likely false flag event due to the fact that the White Helmet responders did not use hazmat protective gear when handling affected people.

A large amount of photo and video evidence points to the fact that Hadi Abdallah is much more than just simply a reporter. Instead, he appears to act as the lead propaganda disseminator for the terrorist groups operating in Syria. This is also remarkable due to the fact that the French organization “Reporters Without Borders” (RSF) awarded and congratulated him with the Press Freedom Prize on November 7, 2016. The photos and videos below show the true nature of Hadi Abdallah as he works alongside the terrorist groups in Syria and operates exclusively in terrorist held-areas that are controlled by the jihadist groups attempting to overthrow the legitimate Syrian government.

The videos below highlight Hadi Abdallah’s ‘reporting’ activities. In the first video he is responding to the Syrian gas attack in Idlib on April 4, 2017 and providing information for western and Gulf State media outlets related to the event.

In the 2nd video he is congratulating, hugging and working alongside terrorist groups in Syria. The fact that he praises, kisses, hugs and even cries tears of joy with these armed terrorist groups should provide serious cause for concern for western governments, however, instead he has actually recently received accolades from the U.S. State Department Syria for his work providing propaganda for terrorists as proven by the links and images below.


The video above has been removed from You Tube. Another version of the same video can be found at the following Live Leak link. US Embassy Caught Congratulating Reporter Caught on Camera Hugging al-Nusra Front Terrorists

The photos below reveal Hadi Abdallah’s direct association with terrorist groups in Syria.


Hadi tank 2

Hadi with ISIS

Hadi thumbs up

Hadi and Muhay

Hadis tank party


HadiAlAbdallah w flag

The videos below highlight Hadi Abdallah working directly with terrorist groups in Syria. In the first they are digging tunnels for warfare, while in the 2nd they are conducting an assault on an outpost.


Clips of any videos that are missing from this post/deleted by You Tube can be found at the following link:

Bitchute (All clips archived into one extensive montage) – https://www.bitchute.com/video/HRF4UFmonXxK/

In the video below he is shown with members of al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) conducting ‘reporting’ while they hold a prisoner.


Unbelievably, Hadi Abdallah was recently awarded the 2016 RSF-TV5 Monde Press Freedom Prize as shown by the link below.


Screen Shot 2017-03-19 at 11.39.27 AM

This award also led to him receiving accolades on Twitter from the U.S. Embassy Syria. Screen Shot 2017-03-22 at 4.40.12 PM

The RSF “Reporters Without Borders” article states that he was kidnapped by the al-Nusra Front terrorist group, however, nothing could be further from the truth, as he has been photographed proudly standing side by side joining arms with Abdullah al-Muhaysini the Saudi cleric leader of al-Nusra Front  (al-Qaeda) in Syria. Thus, it is astonishing that he was provided these awards and accolades by organizations and countries that have been attacked on numerous occasions by the very same terrorist groups he works in conjunction with.

Screen Shot 2017-03-21 at 12.04.30 AM

In regards to the chemical massacre on April 4th, 2017, and the White Helmet first responders who worked alongside Hadi Abdallah, it is notable that Abdullah al-Muhaysini has previously declared that the White Helmets (who attended the Idlib chemical massacre) are mujahideen (Islamic jihadists).

WH mujahideen

Lizzie Phelan

Link to video of Abdullah al-Muhaysini’ statement declaring White Helmets (Civil Defense) as Mujahideen…….

The video directly above has been removed from You Tube, fortunately I cached it and uploaded it to Live Leak. It can now be found at the following link:

Al-Nusra Front Terrorist Leader in Syria States Oscar Winning White Helmets Are Mujahideen Islamic Terrorists

Saudi cleric Abdullah al-Muhaysini has also been filmed calling his ISIS brothers in jihad to arms……

Additional photos clearly show Hadi Abdullah collaborating with the terrorist groups in Syria….

Hadi handshake

Hadi upbutt

hadis fun crowd

And also with media exploited 7 year old overnight Twitter star Bana Alabed…….

Hadi sums up

And also with FSA associates who traveled to Washington and met with the Clinton/Podesta team at Georgetown University on November 14, 2016…..

Hadi to FSA

FSA to Clinton



Now back to those White Helmets, the chemical massacre and the FSA……

This image shows the real FSA which is made up of dozens of Islamic jihadist groups…..

FSA set 2 al-Qaeda

This is the real White Helmets showing their true FSA affiliation….


FSA = al-Nusra/ISIS

FSA:ISIS march

Back to Hadi and the April 4th chemical massacre……….Its seems quite a lucky coincidence that he happened to be in that particular location to film the White Helmets ‘responding’ to the massacre.

Hadi chem attack

Alas, he’s just a good guy……thats what good guys do, especially when they’ve been given Press Freedom Prizes and accolade’s from esteemed governments and institutions. They would never mislead the public…….


As far as the chemical massacre goes……..nothing to see here………nothing at all.

Hadi Abdallah just happened to luckily be there…..

Note the poor acting. bad editing, constant mention of sarin, combined with over-play on the use of children in the following interview where al-Nusra Front ‘reporter’ Hadi Abadallah acts emotionally concerned for the man portraying a father who has lost his family.

The video above has now been removed from You Tube. I located another version of the same video here:


Live Leak video below sums up Hadi Abadallah as he hangs out with ISIS and a number of Syrian soldiers corpses….

US Awarded Reporter Hadi Abadallah Shows His True Terrorist Colors As He Pals Around With ISIS And Corpses


The following videos from the Jimmy Dore and Newsboy Channels explain the most probable reasons for the Idlib chemical massacre……..simply put, it was a false flag attack.

Below are videos of Hadi Abadallah and his western and Gulf State funded terrorist colleagues. Note also that these terrorists channels are all over You Tube and easy to find, yet Google/You Tube/ The US government does nothing to take them down to help stop the spread of radical Islamic terrorism. As of December 2017 these channels are still being given a completely free pass, even after the implementation of the Deep State and governments censorship agenda against dissenting and revealing political opinions in western countries. As shown in other CoS posts, the leader of al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) Abdullah al-Muhaysini still has a number of You Tube channels active and he has never been censored (to the best of my knowledge), even though his channels are incredibly easy to find simply by searching under his name.

Here Hadi Abadallah cheers on the FSA terrorist factions:

Final video shows the White Helmets with the leader of al-Nusra Front in Syria, Abdullah al-Muhaysini. Note Syrian Red Crescent (Red Cross) vans as the White Helmets celebrate with this terrorist. These are the western and gulf State funded ‘heros’ of the Syrian chemical weapons attack that took place on April 4th, 2017. They are also the first responders to the bus attack that killed 127 women and children on April 15th, 2017. These are Hadi Abadallah’s partners.

New addition:

Hadi and The White Helmets – Hero’s by Day, Terrorists by Night. Paid for with US and UK taxpayer money. The al-Qaeda in Syria scam. Hadi Abadallah, the White Helmets PR man.

13 thoughts on “False Flagger: Al-Nusra Front Terrorist ‘Reporter’ Hadi Abdallah First Responder to Chemical Massacre in Idlib, Syria on April 4th, 2017

  1. Excellent detective work. Also, terrific point about Hadi’s being right there just moments after the supposed SAG chemical attack. The first time I saw him in a video was in that one. It seems reasonable enough (his presence) until you learn about his extensive terrorist connections and allegiance and how he just happened to be there moments after the “attack.” Sure. Mr. Propaganda and Terrorist Chum wouldn’t participate in a media distortion in aid of a Trump attack.

    I agree Trump was part of the scam. Two days to assess and respond militarily? And a bogus radar track to boot? His obtuseness in refusing to pardon Assange was contemptible. Because his WH counsel objected? Please.

    I don’t buy the sarin attack allegation. The victims videoed at the nearby WH clinic show no evidence that they voided their bowels and bladders. My working hypothesis is that there was no aerial attack in the morning and that any dead bodies were people kidnapped from nearby Christian (IIRC) villages and murdered. Not that outlandish when you reflect on the dead in the bogus Douma chlorine attack were unable to travel a short distance to breathable air outside.

    I’ve also seen no effort to map the supposed homes of the victims and relate them to any sarin dispersion pattern. I think the OPCW report has a list of names but no addresses but I can’t remember just now.


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