Newly Released Video: On-Camera Confessions of Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard Reveals Terrible Crimes of the Global Elite

The following videos feature Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard providing emotional testimony as to the debauched lifestyle he led while working in the most elite branches of the worlds banking system. His revelations prove to be incredibly revealing as to the practices of high level financial elitists. I will let the videos speak for themselves. They are incredibly powerful and moving to watch.

Caveat: This particular subject of (child sexual abuse by the global elite) is not one that I have delved into here at Clarity of Signal previously. My primary focus is on war, terrorism and geopolitics, particularly terrorist ruses in Syria and fascist war crimes in Ukraine, however, I do think there is something nefarious going on when it comes to the disturbing subject matter discussed in these videos, and the issue should be investigated much more thoroughly, thus, my reason for putting together this post to offer the opportunity for others to see all these videos in one specific location.

Video Part 1 has been removed (censored) from You Tube again. This is the 4th time I am providing another version of the same video that keeps getting deleted. Video Part 1 direct link below:


Bombard’s Body Language Analysis provides confirmation of Bernard’s real emotional turmoil.

Newly released video (June 13, 2017) : Part 2

Part 3 – Released Mid August 2017


Please download, cache, copy and share these videos to help get the word out about these uninvestigated crimes of the global elite. In my opinion, these are incredibly important issues that need much, much more daylight and with the proverbial foxes in charge of the hen house its very difficult to get a proper investigation off the ground.

Instead of looking into these matters seriously, authorities within the Deep State, along with the Washington Post, rolled out the anonymous group PropOrNot in the November 2016 post election environment and commenced denouncing any entity that exposed these issues as ‘fake news’. That Deep State ‘fake news’ agenda is continuing to be implemented by the corrupt mainstream media and its cohorts in government who are now using Facebook, Google, You Tube and other social media to censor and demonetize accounts that share this information. Please see my other Clarity of Signal posts on this subject.

Google Censors and Demonetizes High View Count Videos That Reveal The Truth About the Syrian War and the MSM’s ‘Fake News’ Agenda

Big Brother Watching: Huge Compendium of Screenshots Highlight Facebook and Other Forms of Censorship In New Age of Internet Surveillance and Control


Additional videos provided by the Dark Horse and Outer Dark You Tube channels provide further insight into other aspects of the strange rituals of global elitists. The 2016 Gottard Swiss Tunnel opening ceremony is quite interesting and bizarre due to the lengthy two part performance for the European global elite (including EU leaders) that features costumed characters conducting morose dances and imitating sex acts while dressed as horned beasts. (Caveat: I am personally not religious. I’m agnostic and simply posting that which I find of interest in regards to this very dark subject matter.)


The above videos of the Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony have now been removed  from You Tube. Other versions of the same videos have been saved at Live Leak:

Bizarre Opening Ceremony For Gotthard Base Tunnel In Switzerland Read more at

BIZARRE! European World Leaders Attend Satanic Ritual in Switzerland- MUST WATCH IN ENTIRETY! Read more at

Additional important video that I put together exposes large parts of the illuminati elite rituals: ORDER FROM CHAOS : I PET GOAT II, SUPER BOWL 53, FALSE FLAGS AND ILLUMINATI ELITE RITUALS

2nd caveat: I consider myself a “conspiracy analyst and fact checker”. I believe that all human beings, including the global elite, conspire to do both good and bad things in this world and no one should be given a free pass just because of their government or elite status. The term conspiracy theorist has been used as a cudgel to silence dissent and differing opinions. In my opinion, that term is well past its sell by date and has no serious relevance to these important matters.

If one examines my investigative work here at Clarity of Signal WordPress site they will see quite clearly that the elitist controlled media has been lying to the public on a massive scale for quite some time, particularly about war, terrorism and the corrupt enrichment that occurs in conjunction with it. The corrupt mainstream media, the government and Hollywood’s pushing of the White Helmets terrorist ruse proves beyond a reasonable doubt that these “people in charge” are capable of some very, very evil acts. Nothing is beyond the pale for them when it comes to their own financial survival. Take that for what its worth and let your conscience guide your way as you examine these videos.


More information on the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) can be found here:

Bank of International Settlements – How the Rothschild Banking Dynasty Rules the World

The directly above link will also lead you to a large amount of information on the role of the Trilateral Commission and Zbigniew Brzezinski’s shaping of foreign policy that leads to nefarious actions…….i.e. support for terrorist groups and repressive regimes, implementing coups, starting wars, etc.


For additional information on Pizzagate please see my tribute post on CBS46 investigative reporter Ben Swann who brought the story mainstream attention:

The link above features the official WikiLeaks links to Podesta emails on the subject of pizza. Those links are also listed here:

Wikileaks – Pizzagate

Wikileaks: Podesta Emails

Most controversial Podesta email – Handkerchief




More versions of ritual in Gotthard Tunnel, including some with commentary and analysis. I have to post these due to the fact that the original videos have been removed from You Tube.

Caveat: My posting videos with commentary does not necessarily mean that I agree with the commentator’s statements. I simply post them because I may have no other resource to highlight the event.

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