Beyond The Divisive Agenda – Defining Donald Trump As A Tool of The Zionist-Elite And Why He Was Really Placed In Power To Wage War on Iran

Donald Trump came into the office of the U.S. presidency on January 21, 2017 declaring that he was going to “drain the swamp” and mockingly hinting that the “columns at the CIA need to be rebuilt”. Well, as of October 11, 2017 that hasn’t happened. In actuality, thus far, the opposite has happened. Trumps initial cabinet has been mostly dissolved and replaced with a number of US generals who have been neatly filtered in to take key leadership positions….it’s almost as if it was planned all along. 🙂 But then again who would have noticed amongst the distractive mainstream media’s divide and conquer/anti-Russia/false flag agenda being foisted over the American publics eyes?

When addressing the CIA, Trump openly stated that his political people are not doing so well but his military cabinet members are doing great, thus, U.S. generals, including General Kelly (Homeland Security Secretary), General Mattis (Defense Secretary) and General McMaster (National Security Advisor), General Dunford (Joint Chief of Staff) have been ushered into key leadership positions. Maybe when, during the same CIA speech, he stated “That the US should have taken the Iraqi oil” people should have realized what type of deceptive shark Donald Trump really was. He was never about changing the corrupt system. Considering the real reasons for the Iraq war, he’s not even about freedom, democracy and human rights. He’s about geopolitical maneuvering and exploiting resources to the benefit of the world’s largest imperial power. His idea of “making America great” is producing a more powerful military machine so that the US government can continue to take advantage of other countries resources. He’s about fooling his base so that he can continue the New World Order agenda that places the corrupt US government at the helm.

Keep in mind that in previous videos Donald Trump had stated that he knows the US wars have caused the rise of ISIS and terror groups in Syria. Well, that appears not to have mattered when it came down to the real nitty gritty regarding Donald Trump’s actions…..

Shortly after taking office, President Trump ended up making a first stop in Saudi Arabia to dance with Saudi princes waving swords around in the air, then, in a speech directly afterwards he declared that Iran, NOT Saudi Arabia, was the cause of the growth of ISIS and the main supporter of radical Islamic terrorism in the Middle East. This was a complete and utter false statement, a flat out lie on its face.

Trump dances with Saudis and swords












In a speech that contradicted numerous public statements, President Donald Trump praised the rulers of Saudi Arabia and other gulf state autocracies for fighting Islamic terrorism in his first foreign trip as president. Despite irrefutable evidence (that he himself previously referenced) that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the primary source of support for Sunni jihadist terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS, Trump celebrated the Saudi government’s commitment to combating Islamic extremism.

While some of the complete rhetorical flip-flops could arguably be attributed to diplomatic niceties, the actual substance of President Trump’s speech addressing the Islamic world was both absurd and dangerous. Trump not only praised one of Al Qaeda and ISIS’ chief backers as a leader in the fight against Islamic extremism, he essentially blamed Iran and Shiite Islam for the instability in the Middle East. He even praised the government of Bahrain whose Sunni minority government has been engaging in a brutal crackdown of the Shiite majority post-Arab Spring.

Putting aside the hypocrisy of the moral claims, President Trump blew a major opportunity to address one of the leading causes of Sunni jihadist extremism today: the export of Wahhabist/Salafist ideology by the Saudis to the rest of the world. That poison helped inspire both Al Qaeda and ISIS as well as the wealthy gulf state officials who fund them. Rather than confront the roots of the terrorism that has savaged the U.S. and Europe, Trump praised its benefactors and took a side in a sectarian war that continues to rip apart the Middle East. The position is fundamentally counterproductive if your primary concern is American security.

End excerpt….more at link above.


Trump then took the absurdity even further on June 10th, 2017 when he stated that “Qatar must stop funding terrorism”, all the while, once again, completely ignoring the leading role of Saudi Arabia in promoting and financing global terrorism. (Caveat: Qatar was involved in such, but not near on the scale as its big brother Saudi Arabia which is always protected by western governments for geopolitical reasons).





This second video highlights that the other Sunni Wahhabi nations that have been funding radical extremism and terrorism around the world spoke to Trump and ‘convinced’ him that Qatar was primarily to blame for current global terrorism.




The real covered up truth of the matter is that Qatar has refused to play ball on being the frontline nation in the Zionist’s and US Deep State proposed “War on Iran”. Please pay attention to the previous sentence and the words US Deep State because, once again, that is who Trump really works for. Why else would he be following their lead on their desired war with Iran? Qatar has a decent relationship with Iran that, if destabilized, would quite possibly lead to the decimation of Qatar itself. Thus, the Saudis who are one head of the two part Zionist crown jewels set up by the British Zionists (Rothschild’s and others), as a fake opposing foil to Israel in the wake of WW2, have decided to throw their Qatari little brother under the bus in order to force them to go along with the long planned for Zionist war against Iran. The planned war against Iran has been in the works for Trump to cheerlead all along. It is what General Wesley Clark talked about in the wake of the World Trade Center attacks. The Zionists who control US foreign policy, and have been in bed with Saudi Arabia all along, seek to use the Trump deceptive ruse as a tool by which to drag the American people forward into their greatest prize in their fake war on terror thus far, the destruction of Iran. Donald Trump is the frontman for this plan. Once again, the American people are being played by the Deep State and the global elite.

In the following linked Live Leak video Donald Trump states that the US wars have caused the growth of terrorism. This is an example of the type of statements he made in order to get elected in 2016…..and now it should be more than obvious that he is overtly seeking war with Iran, thus, once again, it is easy to arrive at the conclusion that he states one thing, yet does something completely opposite. All is a charade….a smoke and mirrors show. Obviously if Trump is helping the Zionists attack Iran he will not be peacefully working with Russia as he promised the American people during his campaign speech.

Trump Explains The Syria Conflict – Terrorists Have to Go – Will Work With Russia

At this point, some Trump supporters, hanging on to false hope, will be saying “no it can’t be, he’s a populist elected by We The People, he’s ripping apart the media establishment”. I would beg to differ, and here forth I will present evidence to back up my assertions. My theory is that the Deep State and Trump are working in unison to deceive the American people. It is all an elaborate put-on charade, once again used to divide and distract the American public from the actions of their deeply corrupt warmongering government and the elite insiders that profit from these nefarious actions.

Trump simply talks out of one side of his mouth and then does something completely different at a later date. That is simply a fact. One should not let ones political proclivities and cognitive dissonance get in front of that simple undeniable fact. Case in point, his statement during the 2016 election debates that, if elected, he will put Hillary Clinton in jail, of course was untrue…….it never happened. Instead he publicly praised her and her husband former President Bill Clinton at the time of his January 2017 inauguration. Video proving such here:


Soon after his inauguration, Trump issued his now infamous travel ban which included all the countries the US has either destroyed or has deceptive designs upon, yet strangely, once again, failed to include the main supporter of global terrorism….. Saudi Arabia. Instead, the travel ban includes Libya, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Syria, all countries that Saudi Arabia has had a hand in destroying through the use of terror groups that it finances. The FSA in Syria has been almost entirely financed through Gulf State and western government funding under the guise that they were aiding ‘moderate rebels’. Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to who those ‘moderate rebels’ really were. The FSA is almost entirely made up of terrorist groups linked to al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria), Hay’at Tahir al-Sham, Ahrar al-Sham, Nour al-Zinki and ISIS. They are all constantly changing their names in order to have plausible deniability for their murderous actions. Of course Donald Trump is aware of all this. He would be negligent in his job if he wasn’t.

Included at the bottom of this post will be links to my previous posts exposing these FSA terrorists. Keep in mind that the US State Department is on the record as providers of hundreds of millions of dollars of US taxpayer funding for the ‘Free Syrian Army’ and the White Helmets who are also FSA terrorists acting as rescuers. The hundreds of images at the links at the bottom of this post will show clearly where that US taxpayer money has really been going, thus, the real reason the Deep State needed Trump in power. They were overexposed on the Grand Chessboard for control of the world. They needed a distraction, a convincing frontman that would be so controversial so as to divide the American people and keep them in the dark about who really controls the world. In the Tapestry of Terror video that I created in March 2017, I placed a single image at the end of the video. That image was to imply that the Deep State are playing out an elaborate performance, a smoke and mirrors show. If you haven’t seen Tapestry of Terror, I highly recommend you do so. It exposes what the Deep State controlled western governments and media have really been up to in regards to Syria and supporting al-Qaeda and ISIS. The link is here:

Tapestry of Terror (Highly Graphic) – White Helmets Exposed As FSA Terrorists Linked With ISIS

International Business Times article explains the origins and financing of the FSA –

US Funds, Trains And Arms The ‘Moderate Opposition’ In Syria, But Who Are The Rebels?

The U.S. is already training hundreds of vetted rebels in Jordan, and equipping them with weapons. Most of those rebels are fighting under the umbrella of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) — the first major opposition group to form and fight President Bashar al-Assad’s forces in Syria in 2011. The FSA is one of the largest groups fighting in Syria and includes a diverse group of warriors including men (and some women) from all parts of the country. When the group first formed, it was a ragtag team of local men who had bought or stolen weapons from Syrian soldiers to fight the military in the streets.

By the summer of 2012, the majority of opposition fighters claimed to be fighting with the FSA. There were hundreds of battalions, some as small as a few men, others as large as a few hundred. But at that time, many of the men fighting on the frontline, especially in Aleppo Province, were Salafists, a conservative sect of Islam. Since then, the group has not only grown in size, but also in strength and legitimacy, receiving donations from wealthy Arab businessmen from countries like Libya and Saudi Arabia, and gaining recognition on the world stage. Members of the group are part of the opposition coalition that has previously met with the U.N. and Western leaders about peace negotiations with the regime.

The group, though, has also fractured as a result of deep rivalries between battalions. In the past two years, the infighting has led some senior U.S. politicians to question whether the FSA can be a reliable partner. FSA rebels have for months now asked the U.S. to ramp up its support for them, claiming the weapons it possesses are no match against Assad’s military forces.

End Excerpt –


Now considering all the above, and the fact that Donald Trump acted as al-Qaeda’s airforce and even bombed the Syrian armed forces actually fighting al-Qaeda on behalf of the al-Qaeda/ISIS linked terrorists numerous times during the summer of 2017, it stands to reason that his appointees at the U.S. State Department (Heather Nauert) and the United Nations (Nikki Haley) know full well what is really up as they openly lie to the American families they are supposed to represent. Once again Donald Trump would be negligent in his duties if he did not know this, thus, it stands to reason that if one argues that Trump is unaware of this fact then one must also admit that he is utterly inept at his presidential responsibilities. It is also well established that the US is violating the territorial integrity of Syria and operates openly in areas where ISIS is also known to be operating. The Russian government has provided extensive proof of this. Thus, once again, Donald Trump continues to lie and deceive the American people regarding US actions in Syria. The US is not fighting ISIS, they are using them to further their global domination plans. The fake war on terror is a ruse used to control western civilizations and gain global dominance.


Numerous specific images at link above – example here:

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ISIS carries out attacks from US-controlled ‘black-hole’ area near Al-Tanf base – Russian MoD

To see how Trumps State Department and Pentagon representatives straight face lie to the American public, please see the following video:

Intentional Lies and Taking Lives – U.S. State Department Greatest Hits on Syria


Kissinger, the Bringer of Death

Henry Kissinger, the leading western warmongering of the 20th century, is clearly behind Trump pulling strings and has been from the very beginning, quite literally he sat right behind him at the Al Smith dinner joking it up with Hillary Clinton, the popes representative and a number of British and American Zionists in October 2016. The global elite put their connections right in the publics faces and shuck it up. Keep in mind this was also right after Trump had said he would put Hillary Clinton in jail during the 3rd ‘contentious’ presidential debate. Alas, it was a good performance.


Also please keep in mind that Henry Kissinger was all onboard providing US support to the fascist Augusto Pinochet Chilean regime in the 1970’s as thousands of people were ‘disappeared”, many of whom were thrown out of helicopters to their deaths. He also helped orchestrate and drag out the Vietnam war that killed millions of innocent Vietnamese people, thousands who had their skin burnt off through the use of agent orange.

WeAReChange – Kissinger Orders Madman Theory For Donald Trump

Now, in the October 10th WeAreChange video above, Donald Trump is sitting there smiling with this wretched old evil toad. Its like a horrific bad dream where we have all taken a step back in time. Its like the way Obama praised globalist warmonger Zbigniew Brzezinski. These devils are pure evil. They are the worst of humanity. What does Kissinger advocate for? Using Trumps unpredictable, chaotic behavior as a blunt foreign policy instrument. You see….its all order from chaos…..the motto of the global elite. Trump is simply one of them, the same as Obama always was. They picked him……you didn’t.

Now who was it that everyone was under the impression that Hillary Clinton worked for? Was it Saudi Arabia or was it Goldman Sachs? Or was it both? Well just the same both of those corrupt globalist entities still got what they wanted. Who was really behind getting Trump into power? Well if you watch Trumps March 2016 AIPAC speech its obvious he vehemently told the Zionist elite exactly what they wanted to hear. At that event, they ended up giving him constant applause and standing ovations. No wonder billionaires Sheldon Addison and Stephen Schwartzman love him so much.

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Stephen Allen Schwarzman (born February 14, 1947) is an American investor, private equity manager, and philanthropist. He is the chairman and CEO of The Blackstone Group, a global private equity firm he established in 1985 with former US Secretary of Commerce Pete Peterson. His personal fortune is estimated at $10.2 billion as of January 2017. As of 2017, Forbes ranked Schwarzman at 113th on its World’s Billionaires List.

He chaired President Donald Trump’s Strategy and Policy Forum.


Oh and if folks doubt the smoke and mirrors show, guess who covered for Franklin Templeton who placed $8 billion of ‘investments’ on the Ukraine coup? It was the Blackstone Group (Schwartzman, Lord Rothschild) working side by side with the Soros Foundation that had placed a $1 billion blood money investment on that overthrow. And of course, thanks to some obvious insider info, it was all those entities that have ripped off the American taxpayer through the corrupted IMF which is now covering for them and helping them to asset strip the country of Ukraine in order to get back the losses on a coup gone bad… there you have Soros hand in hand with Trumps lead foreign policy guy Schwartzman….and folks wonder why he’s sitting down smiling and shaking hands with Petro Poroshenko on September 21, 2017. He’s one of them. Is it any wonder the President of the European Council of Jewish Communities/Ukrainian Oligarch Igor Kolomoisky gets to get away with stealing $1.8 billion of IMF funds to offshore Cyprus accounts with no threat of prosecution or even the slightest hint of a real investigation by any western government authorities? Simply put, they look out for their own.

Naked Capitalism: IMF Makes Ukraine War Fighting Loan – Blackstone Group -Soros Foundation – Franklin Templeton


Numerous links at the below source showing the massive circle of funds flowing to global elitist entities during the Ukraine crisis:

HACKED | Hacking Group Cyber Berkut Reveals Ukraine Used Millions In IMF Loans To Fund Clinton Foundation

Link to story on Igor Kolomoisky’s massive theft of $1.8 billion in IMF funds:

MSM MIA: The Ukrainian Oligarch, Right Sector Nazis, MH-17 and Joe Biden’s Son

And folks wonder why Trump is smiling shaking hands with CIA asset Petro Poroshenko on September 21, 2017? All is as it ever was with NATO and Trump. He sold the American people more lies in order to continue to carry out their nefarious regime change agenda and advance the global chessboard up to Russia’s doorstep.

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Linked below – new Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko revealed to be a CIA asset by Wikileaks in 2006:


Other lead Goldman Sachs elitists in the Trump administration –

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After he graduated from Yale University in 1985, Mnuchin worked for investment bank Goldman Sachs for 17 years, eventually becoming its Chief Information Officer. After he left Goldman Sachs in 2002, he worked for and founded several hedge funds. During the financial crisis of 2007–2008, Mnuchin bought failed residential lender IndyMac. He changed the name to OneWest Bank and rebuilt the bank, then sold it to CIT Group in 2015. Mnuchin joined Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016, and was named national finance chairman for the campaign. On February 13, 2017, Mnuchin was confirmed to be President Donald Trump’s Secretary of the Treasury by a 53–47 vote in the U.S. Senate.[4]

The horse has left the barn. All Goldman Sachs and globalist bankers behind him.

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Gary David Cohn (born August 27, 1960) is an American investment banker who is currently serving as the Director of the National Economic Council and chief economic advisor to President Donald Trump. He was formerly the president and chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs from 2006 to 2017. Cohn is a registered Democrat, but has donated extensively to Republican politicians as well.

Cohn is considered one of the most influential voices in the Trump administration.


From the info above, it is quite easy to see that Trump is in bed with Goldman Sachs who are in bed with The Blackstone Group who are in bed with Soros and Lord Rothschild and Franklin Templeton and all the globalist banksters. Its all as it ever was……going back to WW1. They are all part of the global elite that run the world. Trump is simply their latest deceptive frontman.


The globalist establishment mafia, which I believe I have shown quite clearly that Trump works for, has now destroyed Syria, thus, they have partially accomplished their overall mission. The rebuilding of Syria will take a decade at a minimum. They have also taken out Iraq and Libya at the cost of over 1 million human lives. These Zionists and globalist elitists placed Trump in power to take out Iran. Those plans have been derailed by Qatar not currently playing ball, therefore, they are now attempting to isolate Qatar to bring it inline with their plans. For those unaware, I repeat again, British Zionists established Saudi Arabia and Israel as fake opposing foils in the wake of WW2. It was always Hegelian Dialectic at play as taught to the global elite at prestigious schools such as Yale, Harvard, Eton and Oxford……a type of ‘learning’ that the regular citizens of western countries are never privy to. The global elite and US Deep State are now rolling out their plans for the attack on Iran. Hence the reason why Trump is really appointing the aforementioned generals to posts, (keep in mind those generals are also put in Homeland Security leadership positions to keep the American people in line), all the while behind him is Stephen Schwartzman of The Blackstone Group formerly Koen Lueb banking, AIPAC, WINEP, Goldman Sachs, Kissinger, Sheldon Adelson……the Zionists……..the ALL for Israel global elite. Those that were wishing for Trump to drain the swamp should look much deeper and watch Trump at AIPAC in March 2016 on You Tube. That’s the real Trump. I’ve included that video at the end of this post. All else is smoke and mirrors. Trump works for the global mafia. He’s the perfect frontman. Obama was a slick-willy used car snake oil salesman who fooled the progressive anti-war left and steered the centrist sheep. Trump is a real mafioso smiling two-faced shark who has fooled the antiwar, alt-right and libertarian crowd. These two deceivers are two sides of the same coin. Iran is…….and always was…….their next target. The globalists agenda for the past hundred years has not changed. Just the same, many are waking up to the terrible truth about the evil people that run the world.

The information mentioned above is simply my opinion, but as of today October 13th, 2017, my opinion is backed up by solid evidence from the US government itself.

BREAKING: U.S. Treasury Department Office of Public Affairs
Treasury Designates the IRGC under Terrorism Authority and Targets IRGC and Military Supporters under Counter-proliferation Authority.

Iran is referred to in this executive order as the “worlds foremost state sponsor of terror” “for providing support to a number of terrorist groups including Hizballah and Hamas, as well as the Taliban”.

“We are designating the IRGC for providing support to the IRGC-QF, the key Iranian entity enabling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s relentless campaign of brutal violence against his own people, as well as the lethal activities of Hizballah, Hamas, and other terrorist groups”.

IRGC- Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (Iran’s army) Executive order 13224

Treasury Designates the IRGC under Terrorism Authority and Targets IRGC and Military Supporters under Counter-Proliferation Authority

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RT – Trump Announced Sanctions on Iran’s Revolutionary Guards

Note that all of the above regarding Iran is intentional lies and deceit put forth by Donald Trump and the people behind him. Saudi Arabia, the Sunni Wahabbi Gulf States, the UK and Washington are the real financiers and creators of global terrorism. All is smoke and mirrors. Up is down and down is up. Hegelian Dialectic. Its the greatest show on Earth. Except this time the people of the world are seeing through their deception, distractions and lies. The people of the world are realizing that their own governments are the ones false flagging them and sowing global chaos while supporting terror groups. We are in the midst of a Great Awakening.

This is the real Donald Trump addressing those who put him in power at AIPAC 2016


Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group

Numerous US Government Officials Caught On Camera Meeting With White Helmets and FSA Terrorists –

Direct Terrorist Collusion: Over One Dozen Videos Capture White Helmets Working Side-By-Side With Terrorist Groups in Syria

Tapestry of Terror – White Helmets Exposed As FSA Terrorists Linked With ISIS (Highly Graphic – N.S.F.W.) –

White Helmets Exposed: Numerous Videos and Photo Evidence Directly Link White Helmets to FSA Terrorists Torture and Atrocities –

EU Fascism Embraced: Over 20 Highly Revealing Videos Highlight US and EU Support for Fascist Pro-Nazi Military Battalions in Ukraine

All of the above is what Trump is now “officially” on board with. If you haven’t figured it out already, its time to realize…………. you got Trumped. The target is and always was Iran.


More here on Trumps global elitist connections, including those with the Rothschild family:



Everything is going according to plan……..many can’t see it.

3 thoughts on “Beyond The Divisive Agenda – Defining Donald Trump As A Tool of The Zionist-Elite And Why He Was Really Placed In Power To Wage War on Iran

  1. Khomeini and his Islamists were sponsored by CIA-MI6-MOSSAD and shuttle into Iran. Watch Shahs interviews against west and Jewish power. Carter was another puppet of deep-state! Terrorists are created by CIA-ANGLO-ZIONISTS LIARS! They sponsor ALL ISLAMISTS (ISIS/AQ/Taliban)

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